Chapter 346 The Uncontrollable Urge:>>Ep21
- Small Group Session
- I had been wrong. We weren't a few minutes late. The session was off to a slow start and we arrived just in time. Arthur Coates was back at the lectern. He spoke briefly, it was clear that ConPharmaMax was out of jargon, today would be a little different. He spoke for a little while about monitoring that would be happening in the next few months, local meetings near big cities where the company would catch up with patients. He also alluded to some sort of cash payment in exchange for this participation. Essentially, they were explicitly promising to pay us in exchange for keeping things quiet and letting them keep tabs on us. I was going to college soon, it sounded fine to me. Anyway, that appeared to be the end of his spiel, now it was time for something new.
- "Today, we thought that it might be helpful to break into small groups," he explained, "We thought that maybe you all would benefit by discussing your issues together in a confidential environment. No one from the pharmaceutical company will be present. It is just a chance to know that you are not in this by yourself and maybe learn coping strategies from other people." He explained. So they were kind of saying, we don't have any other ideas. This convention was just to buy you off, we didn't really have enough material for two days. Entertain yourselves. But, at the same time, it didn't sound like a horrible idea.